Philodendron HeartLeaf


Climate: Outdoors USDA Zone 11. Indoors between 70°F and 80°F degrees and not below 55°F.

Sun: Outdoor dappled shade. Indoor bright indirect. 

Water: Moderate moisture needs. These plants do not like to dry out or have soggy roots. So frequent light watering is best. 

Soil: Loose potting media with good drainage that is high in organic matter.

Humidity: These plants prefer humidity. Mist with a spray bottle every few days in dry environments. 

Fertilizer: Philodendrons appreciate fertilizer in the growing season. A few applications of a houseplant formula in the spring and summer will provide nice nutrition for its lush leaves, but do not fertilize in the fall and winter.

Pests: Typically free of pests, but can potentially have infestations of aphids, mealy bugs, or spider mites. 

Other Care: Philodendrons are toxic to pets and humans. These plants should be out of reach to any creatures that might take a bite. These plants also tolerate pruning well so snip off growth that has gotten too long or leggy during the spring growing season.

Post The Modern Nursery

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Philodendron Birkin

